Genuine care that matches our rural way of life.
We are AmberMed, pioneering the kind of healthcare every person should have access to, no matter where you live.
Through personalized, high-quality medical services, we provide affordable, compassionate care right here in Sheridan County, Kansas.
Primary care to optimize health and improve life.
Our medical clinic provides integrated services focused on treating your whole self—physical, mental, emotional, dental, and behavioral health.
We want everyone in our community to be healthier because health is the first step to a better life.
- Preventative Wellness Care
- Support & Counseling Services
- Ongoing Comprehensive Healthcare

Critical care for those in our wide open spaces.
The Sheridan County Hospital has stood as a pillar in our region for decades, serving the hard-working, spirited people who call this land home.
Our skilled and compassionate staff provides 24/7/365 day critical care ensuring you get prompt and caring attention precisely when you need it the most.
- Critical Care Services
- Diagnostic Services
- Specialized Medical Care
Comfortable, quality long-term care that feels like home.
We strive to inspire our residents to retain the independent spirit that has always lived in America’s heartland, even while supporting their daily care.
Our 32-bed facility is a short indoor walk away from local providers, making access to medical services and lab work easy.
- Assistance with Activities of Daily Living
- Community Engagement Activities
- Extended Care Amenities

Mobile Clinic
Innovative mobile health care that stretches for miles.
Our mobile clinic brings medical and dental care to small towns and communities across the region, meeting you closer to where you live.
It’s a brilliant new way to deliver health services in harmony with our rural way of life.